I wrote previously about Coding Guidelines for an Easier Life and my brief comments on limits provoked the most interest with reactions like:

The last bit of Simon Frankau's tweet resonated particularly strongly with me:

In practice, everything always has limits, but if you don't set them explicitly you only discover them (painfully) at runtime.

All systems have limits. As an engineer, your only choice is whether to make those limits explicit... or to let users run headlong into them at a time when you might or might not be prepared.

With that in mind, let's explore the topic of limits.


Principles of limiting

Before diving into the details, it's worth setting out some guiding principles. Like almost everything else in software engineering, implementing limits is a matter of judgement so it's not wrong to deviate from these principles so long as you understand why you're doing so.

  1. Implement limits sooner rather than later. As a rule, people hate losing things. Taking stuff away from your users, such as an "unlimited experience", rarely makes them happy. It can be very painful.

    Speaking from experience, doing so during an outage in order to resolve the problem only heightens that pain for you, your colleagues, and your customers. The best way to avoid this pain in the first place is to make a discussion about limits an integral part of your design process.

  2. Start with strict limits. It is always easier to relax a limit than to tighten one.

    Monitoring usage early on makes it easier to identify heavy system use. Heavy use of your system(s) can be an indicator of a customer being heavily invested in your product. Not only are those customers more likely to pay more for higher limits, they are exactly the customers you don't want to annoy by restricting their existing usage.

    When creating new limits, always pick the tightest restriction you can get away with.

  3. Understand how your systems work. This may seem obvious, but it especially true when you are working in a legacy system. The blast radius of a change is not always clear, and if your software is full of haunted forests you are going to struggle to implement sensible limits without endangering the stability of your system.

  4. Understand the impact of limiting your users. Restricting what your users can do is an unpleasant process. You may be forced to choose to forego additional revenue in order to protect the stability of your system. You may choose to put roadblocks on your sign up process to prevent abuse. These can be rational choices but you need to make them carefully, with data and with agreement from all the relevant stakeholders.

  5. Limit as close to the edge as possible. Promptly and synchronously refuse your customers' requests. It's usually a clearer user experience that makes it easier for them to understand. It's often the safest option when implementing defences against denial of service attacks because you can consume fewer resources per blocked request.

  6. Layer your defences. It isn't always possible to limit at the edge of your system. For example, if you want to set a per-user limit, your authentication code has to run before your check to limit the user to, say, 10 requests per second. That leaves your authentication layer vulnerable. To protect your authentication layer, you could implement a limit of 1,000 requests per second per IP before the authentication code runs.

Types of limits

Now that we have some principles, let's look at a few places where limits should be defined. A mature system will have many overlapping limits complementing each other, the following items are prompts to help you identify helpful system limits. It's always a good exercise to document why a limit isn't appropriate in a given case or, better yet, to plan work to add a new limit!

Rate limits

Limiting the rate at which things are permitted to happen is both one of the most common restrictions in production systems and also one of the most frequently botched.

  • Request rate limits
    • By IP – This is a very simple and cheap rate limit to implement because it can be done very close to the edge of your product before the request consumes many resources. If you run something like nginx in front of your application you can easily implement a per-IP rate limit with it. If you're in AWS you can implement it in AWS WAF.
    • By user – Users should have their own rate limits. Obviously these need to be enforced after authentication, so this rate limit enforcement will be more closely intertwined with your own product. This should prompt you to do two things: first, ensure that authentication is done as early as possible in the request handling process; second, implement the rate limiting immediately after authentication.
    • By account/team/organization – If you don't charge per-user prices then you should probably consider rate limiting across the entire account (or whatever your billable entity is). Otherwise an enterprising customer can increase their rate limit by adding extra users to their account.
  • Login attempt limits – This is a special case of limiting requests, where the primary goal is security and not protecting resource consumption. For user experience reasons you will need to permit short bursts of failed authentication attempts but you should be very wary of allowing more than a handful of failed requests. The OWASP Authentication Cheat Sheet covers this in more detail.

Size limits

  • Request size limits – You should have a hard limit on the size of an inbound request and that should be enforced before you parse it. If you're operating a typical JSON-over-HTTP service you should understand the RAM consumption of your JSON parser and set the limit on the JSON string length to a value consistent with an amount of RAM you're capable of allocating for each request. If you're using XML or YAML you should also be aware of the billion laughs attack and configure your parser to limit the number or depth of expansions.
  • Response size limits – Limiting the size of your responses is fully within your control but it can also be quite tricky to do effectively while keeping your customers happy.
    • Always paginate everything. Anywhere you have a sequence of items in an API response you must either paginate the response or put a hard limit on the sequence length.
    • Your pagination technique matters too. The page size must be either fixed or have a maximum size. There are many ways of indicating which page to fetch (e.g. page number, offset, opaque token encoding a cursor) and your choice will probably dictate your maximum page sizes.
    • Your pagination options should be decided by your data layer. Getting all the results for a query and then selecting the exact 10 item page that was requested is very wasteful.
    • Even when you're paginating, the items that you paginate need to be kept as small as possible.
  • Storage size limits – Anything that your users persist in your datastores needs to be constrained. If you present a textarea on a web page and then store the contents when it's submitted it must have a character limit. If you store binary files on behalf of your users you need a limit in bytes. Be particularly careful when one user is allowed to see the content saved by another user. A textarea that's viewable by more than one person will eventually be used as a chat system. File upload/download capabilities can very quickly become a file sharing platform. If you're paying for the storage you need to ensure that the constraints on the system discourage any use that doesn't align with your interests.

Time limits

  • Retention periods – It's very tempting to retain data forever just in case you might need it later. You will eventually run into technical, cost or governance constraints that force you to store less. Ideally you will implement retention limits before your colleagues in GRC ask you to. You can often buy time to work around technical or cost constraints with increased spending or a few targeted hacks. If your software is in breach of a law, regulation or compliance system you can only engineer your way out of it by solving the problem directly. Doing that under extreme time pressure is something to be avoided at all costs. Sometimes it can be complex to implement the retention limits so if you're short on time at least implement some soft limits in your presentation layer. If old data is hidden from your customers you can figure out how to delete it later and they won't notice or complain. The exception to this is personal information or anything else your users might consider to be sensitive. For that, you probably need to hard delete anything the user can't see in order to maintain trust.
  • Session limits – Sessions must expire and they should also be subject to idle timeouts. Both the maximum length of a session and the idle timeout are user experience concerns so you will need to choose values that align with the type of system you're building. Sensitive applications will trade user experience for shorter session times to improve security. The OWASP Session Management Cheat Sheet has more detail on session durations and many other facets of securing your session management.
  • Sum-of-duration limits – If some operations in your application consume more time or resources than others then you should be careful to limit their impact on your system's stability and cost. You need to defend both against denial of service attacks and innocent usage by customers that dramatically increase your costs. This can be done simply, by giving those operations lower rate limits. A more sophisticated approach would record the time or cost of every operation and implement rate limits in terms of consuming time or credits from a fixed budget.

Application-specific limits

  • Examine your data model – If you have one-to-many or many-to-many relationships in your data model you should consider limiting what "many" means for each relationship. Consider web forum software: there should be a limit on the number of threads per forum and a limit of posts per thread. That allows you to generate integration tests that simulate the worst case scenarios and ensure that performance is within acceptable bounds. It's much easier to fix performance tipping points in testing than it is when one of your customers finds it for you.
  • Thread/connection pools – In many languages, frameworks and systems there will be resource pools. Examine all of them and ensure that they have limits that align with your hard constraints. For example, if you have a simple web app that uses an SQL database you should find out the maximum number of connections your database can tolerate. If that's say, 50,000 and you have 10 application servers then you should ensure that your database connection pool size limited to at most 5,000 connections. If one application server maxes out at 5,000 connections it's much nicer to lose 10% of your traffic than let that continue on to consume everything on your database and eventually lose 100% of your traffic due to a saturated database.

Business-specific limits

Every system will have some costs in terms of compute, RAM, storage, bandwidth, etc. but each system will have its own blend unique to the problem it's solving. Find your major costs and ensure that your limits help to keep you control the biggest ones. You also need to align your costs, your limits and the value you give to your customers. For example, if you're running a video transcoding service you will probably have significant compute, storage and bandwidth costs. You need to limit both the amount of video transcoded per user but also how many output artifacts you store and for how long. The customers probably value the transcoding higher than the storage, so you can be more aggressive with the limit on storage than you can with the limit on how many videos each user can transcode.

You Know Your Limits, Now What?

Once you've determined which types of limits you want, you need to actually implement them.

How do you track the limits?

  • Ready-made – Many pieces of software have configurable limits so once you set them up they'll take care of tracking and enforcing the limits. For example the Kong API gateway has the ability to rate limit built in so you can implement pretty sophisticated rate limiting through configuration alone.
  • Hand-rolled – Sometimes you need to implement a limit in your own application code. For simple resource limits (e.g. max number of bytes stored) this is generally trivial. If you need to implement a rate limit yourself, I recommend using a leaky bucket algorithm as there are numerous examples freely available on the web which you can learn from or adapt to your needs.

What should you do when a limit is hit?

  • Return appropriate machine-readable results – Ensure that a well-behaved client can react automatically to being limited. For HTTP this means using the HTTP status code of 429 or 503 and (if possible) some combination of RateLimit-Limit, RateLimit-Remaining, RateLimit-Reset, and Retry-After headers. For gRPC you could return the RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED status.
  • Buffer work requests – If you have an API that is a request to do some work asynchronously it can be valuable to use a queue to implement a global rate limit. Rather than doing the work in the API handler, queue a request to do the work and then consume that queue at a known-safe rate. This allows some customers to provide bursts of requests without overwhelming the system. Be warned though, this will only help smooth over bursts of requests. It doesn't give you extra capacity.
  • Silently drop stuff on the floor – If you have tiered rate limits your outermost tier can be a crude connection or packet limit that unceremoniously drops traffic. For example, you might have a 1 req/sec/user limit in your application, a 10 req/sec/IP limit at your HTTP proxy and 100 req/sec/IP at your firewall. The firewall protects the HTTP proxy by just dropping packets if the traffic is very high, then the HTTP proxy protects the app and returns customer-friendly 429s and then the app can return 429s with detailed Retry-After or RateLimit-Limit headers computed from the authenticated user's quota.
  • Charge more! – If you're running a commercial system you should use your pricing structure to help control your costs. If you align your pricing with your costs then your users will implement limits for you and will naturally back off to fit within their own budgets.

Monitoring & Alerting

You also need to monitor and alert on the performance of your limits in order to ensure that they are behaving as expected. Here are a few items that you should track:

  • Percentage of requests which have been limited. If this is zero, then you should consider tightening your limits. You can always relax them later.
  • Percentage of customers who have been limited. This can be used as an indicator of a broken limiting system.
  • Percentage of customers who have been limited, weighted by revenue. If your highest-paying customers are being limited more often than your lowest-paying customers then it might point to a mismatch between your pricing structure and your resource limits.


In summary, you should:

  • Understand your systems so that you can reason about their inherent limitations.
  • Design limits into your systems as early as possible.
  • Understand how the limits impact your users.
  • Limit as close to the edges of your systems as possible.
  • Layer your defences to balance protection and user experience.
  • Start with tight limits and then loosen them.

Many thanks are due to Cian Synnott and Hannah Henderson for excellent feedback and suggestions which significantly improved this blog post.


Simon Frankau once again had useful things to say on this topic:

Really nice. I'd consider adding a couple of items:

a) Test to your limits. A goal of limits is to ensure your system works within the limits, so ensure your scale tests run up to the limits.

b) Test to the limits. Make sure that the system degrades gracefully at the limit,

c) There are situations where hitting the limit is unpleasant (like the Amazon thread limit outage). In those cases, put in monitoring alerts well below the limit, so you can mitigate in advance, not just at the limit.